The Uniting Church in Queensland has been serving families through childcare services, run by congregations and other church organisations such as Wesley Mission Queensland and UnitingCare since the opening of our first service, the Toowong Kindergarten and Child Care Centre, in 1964. From September 2021, all early learning services operated by the Uniting Church Queensland are consolidated within the Uniting Early Learning (UEL) portfolio. UEL embodies faith-based principles of love, care, respecting and serving others, as well as the values of equity, inclusiveness and care for the environment utilising a play-based learning programme.
Our Early Education Services
In Home Child Care
In-Home Child Care is designed to meet the diverse needs of families by offering qualified and experienced child care Educators who look after your child(ren) in your own home. Working with you, our Educators create a fun and educational environment to suit the needs of your child.