Our organisation
The Uniting Church in Queensland has been serving families through childcare services, run by congregations and other church organisations such as Wesley Mission Queensland and UnitingCare since 1964.
As a church-based organisation our objectives are mission based rather than profit based. We prioritise the delivery of quality learning outcomes for our children and a values-based philosophy.
Our commitment to your child
Our commitment to quality childcare extends beyond just caring for children. We promote children’s rights through respecting positive aspects of each child’s culture, family values and abilities. We build relationships with parents to understand the individual needs of their children and tailor learning plans to build on and challenge each child’s developmental needs.
Our focus on early childhood development
Our childcare services aim to support parents as their children develop as healthy, thoughtful and responsible young people, and foster a sense of belonging and becoming, to help children participate in society.
Our lived Christian values
There is much that we can do to model, practice and live out our values through every day activities. Through actively living our values we help our children become the best version of themselves.