We were very fortunate to be presented with a new set of flags by local MPs recently. Local Federal MP Trevor Evans (Member for Brisbane) and State member Tim Mander (Member for Everton) came to speak to children, staff and visiting parents and grandparents about the new flags, and their significance.

Trevor and Tim talked with the children about the colours and symbols in the flags. Apart from learning about the Southern Cross and the Union Jack in the Australian and Queensland Flags, we learnt about the relevance of the colours in the Aboriginal Flag – yellow circle for the sun, red for the earth and black for the Aboriginal people, and the colours and symbols in the Torres Strait Island flag – green for the islands, blue for the sea, black lines for the people and the 5 point star representing the 5 island groups and the importance of stars for navigation for the Torres Strait Island people.

After the flag presentation, the children sang a couple of songs for the visitors, before showing them some of the Easter craft activities they have been working on. Tim and Trevor helped the children with Easter baskets and other craft, and took the time to chat to the adults.

We made the point of telling them about the unique qualities of our centre, and the personalised and individualised learning we can offer children in a small centre like ours. They could see the benefit of the mixed group setting, and how younger children benefit and learn from interacting with their older peers, and older children learn to be mentors and role models for the younger ones.

The flags will go on display around the Centre until we can get a flag pole installed, so look out for them next time you are in the Centre.