Uniting Early Learning

The Uniting Church in Queensland has been serving families through childcare services, run by congregations and other church organisations such as Wesley Mission Queensland and UnitingCare since 1964.

From September 2021, all early education services operated by the Uniting Church Queensland were consolidated within the Uniting Early Learning (UEL) portfolio.

UEL embodies the Christian principles of love, forgiveness, respecting and serving others, as well as the values of equity, inclusiveness and care for the environment utilising a play-based learning programme.

What we stand for

Partnerships & trusted relationships

Proactively engage and, understand & support our families and community.


We promote sustainable practices across our services and local communities.

Educational design

Our pedagogy and learning environments drive continous improvement and reflect contemporary practices.

Dedicated and committed staff

We invest in passionate people to deliver to our mission and purpose.

Value all people

We believe in the inherent value of all people… especially the children in our care.